Beauty starts within right? What better way to fuel your inner beauty than with a juice cleanse.
When I got the chance to review a JuicyTox Premium cleanse I jumped at it. I've done juice cleanses before, and i really like the results that it brings. Im already on slimming world too, so for me it wasn't something i was using for weight loss, it was purely a cleanse to get my body to feel as good as it could, i have over indulged recently and maybe had one too many nights out, and lets face it i could really do with removing any toxins from my body.
In the premium cleanse you get 6 juices a day so your drinking one every 2 hours, which you think might be a lot, but trust me your counting down to each one of your juices.
You also get 4 ginger shots, 4 lemons and a selection of pukka cleanse, detox and night time teas.
The cleanse lasts 4 days and you get two delivery's to ensure that your juices are always fresh. I done the cleanse from Wednesday until Saturday.  
They have a variety of cleanses too, some with 4 juices so you can really tailor the cleanse to you and what your body needs.